Susan Sontag

(Geb. 1933 in New York City, gest. 2004 in New York City)

At first he was just losing weight, he felt only a little ill, Max said to Ellen, and he didn’t call for an appointment with his doctor, according to Greg, because he was managing to keep on working at more or less the same rhythm, but he did stop smoking, Tanya pointed out, which suggests he was frightened, but also that he wanted, even more than he knew, to be healthy, or healthier, or maybe just to gain back a few pounds, said Orson, for he told her, Tanya went on, that he expected to be climbing the walls (isn’t that what people say?) and found, to his surprise, that he didn’t miss cigarettes at all and revelled in the sensation of his lungs’ being ache-free for the first time in years.

Susan Sontag: »The Way We Live Now«, in: The New Yorker, 24. November 1986.